Bluewater District School Board Collective Agreement

The Parties may, by mutual agreement, establish a normal work week for certain full-time classifications, with the exception of forty (40) hours and five (5) eight (8) hours per day with a maximum of two (2) hours of lunch. Such an agreement requires written confirmation. The Employer may not grant more than thirty (30) working days per year without remuneration and without loss of seniority a leave of not more than two (2) weeks without pay and without loss of seniority for a maximum of thirty (30) working days per year to participate in a union conference or union agreement. No more than two (2) employees may participate from one (1) school. Leave is granted if such leave is requested in writing at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the employee`s intended absence from work. “casual worker” means a person employed by the employer who is a member of the collective bargaining unit and who does not work regularly during hours or weekdays, but who works at the request of the employer. A casual worker may be employed regularly for a period of 4 months; this period may be extended by mutual agreement between the parties. This employee will be paid for periods of more than 4 months for the same order at the custody price and will be returned to the occasional rate after completion of the order. Someone who is called to relieve a “regular employee” is classified as a casual worker for a period of 4 months and can be extended by mutual agreement between the parties. The objective of this agreement is to establish, through the union, orderly collective bargaining between the employer and its employees covered by this agreement in order to ensure the prompt and fair handling of complaints, to ensure the efficient operation of the employer`s operations without interruption or alteration of work and to ensure fair wages, working hours and working conditions for workers.

This agreement recognizes that the employer, union and employees have a desire to cooperate fully, individually and collectively in promoting these conditions. Before resolving the complaint, the union reserves the right to discuss the matter with the trustees. After consultation between the parties, mediation of complaints will also be considered. The employer will endeavor to distribute overtime as evenly as possible among the employees of the school concerned, provided that the employees are willing and qualified to perform the necessary work. The cupE tariff units for the Agreement on the Provincial Discussion Table of May 27, 2008 are set at 168 FTEs for the 2008-2009 school year. By wearing red together and participating in the weekly action, teachers, educators, parents and community allies join forces to visibly express solidarity, defend public education and defend students. c) For the death of other persons close to the employee up to one (1) school day per event without loss of salary, seniority/experience, benefits or sick leave. The principal is responsible for the safety of all members of the school. If you are told – not asked – that you should cover an additional course, you should do so and inform your local president as soon as possible. In order to ensure the job security of the members of the bargaining unit, the employer agrees that all work or services provided by employees of the collective bargaining unit may not be subcontracted, transferred, leased, assigned or transferred, privatized, in whole or in part, to other employees of the enterprise, person, enterprise or non-bargaining unit, if this results in a reduction in working hours or the dismissal of Employees covered by this Agreement. All authorized overtime worked more than eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week will be paid at the hourly rate and half of the even hourly rate. All approved hours worked on Sundays or a paid holiday (as set forth in 18.01 and 18.02) will be paid at two (2) the normal hourly rate.

This provision applies to hours worked in schools or other premises leased by the Commission to third parties. The ministry`s provincial model for a local police and school board protocol requires that all staff, including casual teachers, have the opportunity to lock their classroom doors during a lock or lock exercise (CA Letter of Understanding No. 3, page 18). While you may be asked to log out so the office can track who has the keys in case you accidentally go home with someone, you are entitled to a key without giving up any part of your property (e.B car keys) in exchange. The school is required by law to provide you with a class key. An occupational therapist who must insist that a class key be provided may face a stressful situation before the start of the school day. Please inform the local president if you do not receive the key to your occupational therapy assignment. Minute of rest for each of these tasks, as determined by the director. Any complaint that is not dealt with within the time limit until the next stage of the appeal procedure shall be deemed to have been abandoned.

However, the time limits set in the complaints procedure may be extended by mutual written agreement between the employer and the trade union. A paid lunch break of half an hour (during which the employee must stay at school) is included in the evening shift of more than six (6) hours. Council and CUPE 1176 (Labour and Management Committee) are reviewing the recommendations of the Provincial Joint Task Force and setting out the strategy for implementing these recommendations for the 2010-2011 school year and beyond. The lists by stages shall be sent to the Union and posted on the scoreboard on 1 January and 1 July of each year of the Agreement. The name of the school must be indicated next to the employee`s name. The parties agree that if a member has been assigned overtime due to the addition of a portable device, the same member will also lose working time if the portable device is removed from school. – the importance of maintaining school buildings and facilities in good physical condition. The minimum number of occasional assignments at Bluewater Elementary School that must be completed during the school year to remain on the list of occupational therapists in the following school year is 15 (collective bargaining clause 9.04.02). Please note that these are 15 basic tasks, not full working days.

Secondary, continuing education, summer school and homeschooling are not included in this threshold. To make sure you have 15 tasks, each task counts as 1, whether it`s a full day or 30 minutes. Every day in a basic LTO counts for 1 up to the threshold of 15. . .