They found a gap between the first set of test results and the second, and they`re still trying to figure out why. It is quite natural that wine consumption is highest in the countries where it is produced on the largest scale, but the gap between the consumption of different countries is not surprising. Discord, conflict, conflict, conflict, discord, variance means a state or state characterized by a lack of agreement or harmony. Discord involves an intrinsic or essential lack of harmony that causes conflict, facticity or antagonism. A political party that has long been plagued by discord emphasizes a struggle for superiority rather than the incongruity or incompatibility of the people or things involved. During its short reign, the empire was never free of civil wars The conflict usually emphasizes the actions of opposing forces, but in static applications it implies irreconcilability as to duties or desires. The conflict between liberty and a conflict of liability applies to disputes or contests that manifest as disputes, disputes or controversies. Several points of contention over the new zoning law involve discord or discord and emphasize a split into factions. Religious disagreements that threaten to divide the colony Variance involves a conflict between people or things due to a difference in nature, opinion, or interest. Significant deviations from the phase, there can be no significant reduction in brightness compared to that found at the focal point itself. The deviation is attributed to a lack of rigidity in the soil.
The discrepancy between the fees paid by patients and the salaries received by nurses, particularly in London, has sometimes caused unfavourable comments, but it should be remembered that nurses remain when they are unemployed or sick and have other benefits; Many institutions offer pensions or help their employees join the Royal National Pension Fund. However, this gap, if he stood alone, would not be serious. If the problem persists, please visit our Help Center and let us know. We have temporarily prevented their IP address from accessing because we have detected behavior that violates our Terms of Service. If you think we have blocked you by mistake, please email us at and let us know. Be sure to provide your current IP address, which you can obtain by clicking here. Middle English, Anglo-French discension, Latin dissension-, dissensio, dissentire — see Dissent entry 1 The action you were trying to perform required permissions that your account does not have. Try to log in as a different user. .