Vendor Builder Agreement Tarion

The builder`s agreement sets out the obligations of the builder – the person who will build homes under contract with a licensed seller or with a consumer landowner who wishes to have a contracted home built on their land. The seller`s contract sets out the obligations of the seller – the person who, under a construction contract, makes a sale of houses (land and apartments) or agrees to build a house on a person`s property. The seller is primarily responsible for compliance with the applicable legal warranties provided by the seller to home buyers under the New Home Warranties Plan Act. You can submit buyer information to Tarion by sending an email to If you are submitting multiple buyer contacts, you can download our Excel spreadsheet template. Once you`re done, you can upload it to BuilderLink or email it to the address provided above. Previously, Tarion granted sellers and builders a registration that allowed them to sell and build new homes. Registrations are granted subject to certain conditions contained in regulations (e.B. Rule 894), specified in a letter of condition, or included in a contract between the seller and the manufacturer and Tarion, which must be signed as part of the registration (and certain conditions are repeated in all these formats). A new home is eligible for warranty coverage if four criteria of the ASSP Act are met. There must be a “house”, a “seller”, a “builder” and an “owner” within the meaning of the onHWP law.

Tarion has made regulatory amendments related to the Restoring Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 and has created new standard agreements with suppliers and builders based on feedback received during the fall 2020 consultation. The agreement between the seller and the manufacturer sets out in a document the obligations of the seller and the manufacturer. This can be used if the person signing the document is either: (i) a seller who proposes to sell, sell or sell one or more new homes, and is also the person who proposes to build such homes; or (ii) a contract home builder who offers to enter into a construction contract with an owner to build a new home (and as such is also a seller). The Warranty Fact Sheet is a brief overview of a home buyer`s legal warranty coverage and includes information about the new home warranty provided by its builder and supported by Tarion, pre-delivery inspection, and deposit protection. Under the new legal framework, many of the requirements that sellers and builders must meet to sell, offer, sell, build or agree to build homes, rather than being set out in regulations, are likely to be included in the agreement between sellers or builders. As a result, new standard agreements with suppliers and manufacturers have been developed. A builder is the person who usually commits to building the house in question. Instructions on whether the person building the house in whole or in part meets the definition of “builder” can be found here. Generally, newly built homes sold and built in Ontario are eligible for legal warranty coverage under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act (OnHWP Act). The seller of the house is responsible for the guarantees. Tarion acts as a safety net if the supplier does not respect the guarantees. A homeowner is the person who usually receives the transfer of land and an apartment or who signs a construction contract with a builder to build a house on their land.

Instructions on whether the person receiving the house meets the definition of “owner” can be found here. As of February 1, 2021, you must attach the appropriate version of the warranty information sheet to each purchase or construction contract at the time of signing the document. Instructions for determining who is the “seller” of a home or if there is a “seller” of a home can be found here. A builder of a contract house is considered a seller. The identification of the seller is important because the seller is responsible for compliance with the legal guarantees and protections due to the buyer /owner of the new home. The Learning Center contains essential information about the warranty process that was previously included in a document called the Owner Information Package (HIP). The following information relates to these general definitions and contains links to the “Common Definition Notices” published on the Residential Building Regulatory Authority (HCRA) website. The Common Definition Notices apply to both the TARION-administered PTSAA Act and the HCRA-administered New Home Permits Act. The recommendations provide examples of how these definitions are applied in different circumstances. From 1. February 2021, within 30 days of signing a construction contract, you must provide Tarion with the written contact information of the buyer or owner, including name, address and email address.

The warranty fact sheet is available in six versions: condominiums, condominiums, contract homes, condominium conversion units, condominiums and new homes in related land. Warranty fact sheets are available here in PDF format and in Word format on BuilderLink. A “contract house” is the conclusion of a construction contract with a land owner to build a new house on the owner`s property. Your responsibilities with respect to the construction contract are as follows: Tarion uses this information to communicate to the buyer or owner important information about the coverage of the warranty and the importance of the inspection before delivery in the period prior to possession. A guide to the types of apartments that meet the definition of “house” can be found here. Before entering into a construction contract with the owner of the property, you must enroll the house in the warranty program. Failure to comply is a punishable offence. More information on the registration process for contract apartments can be found in Registrar`s Bulletin 10-CH. The Learning Hub is an e-learning tool consisting of interactive modules that provide insight into the specific parts of the journey of buying a new home and relevant warranty information. We encourage you to provide buyers with a link to the Learning Hub.
